Week 0: Time to go Inside the Archive
Welcome to the first edition of our new, weekly blog exploring the work of the BFI National Archive
Screen Culture 2033: progress updates
Welcome to the first edition of our new, weekly blog exploring the work of the BFI National Archive
An update from Mel Hoyes, Director of Inclusion and Jack Powell, Director of Policy & Public Affairs on our commitment to reviewing inclusive language.
A challenge for the BFI in uncertain times.
Jason Wood, Executive Director for Public Programmes and Audiences shares our ambitions to transform our relationship with the public, and become widely known as an open house for the discovery and enjoyment of film and the moving image.
Arike Oke, Executive Director of Knowledge and Collections shares our ambitions to establish the BFI National Archive as the most open moving image collection in the world.
Data workflows, tools and processes for a large-scale digitisation project.
An introduction to STORA: System for Television Off-air Recording and Archiving
Come and join BFI’s digital team and help us get more screen culture, and more support for the sector, out to more people than ever before.
Jack Powell, Head of Corporate Policy and National Lottery Strategy outlines the first three years of the BFI National Lottery Funding Plan.
Thank you for taking the time to read more about our newly launched ten-year strategy, Screen Culture 2033.
You are reading this strategy within a new BFI blog, where we will profile our work and report on progress in real time.