1. Strategy
  2. How we’ll do it
  3. Closing words and how we are going to report

Closing words and how we are going to report

Screen Culture is the BFI’s ten-year strategy that will steer us towards our centenary in 2033, driven by our major ambitions. How and when we make progress towards achieving our ambitions will change and could be influenced by many external factors.

So, we will take an agile and iterative approach to how we deliver and how we report.

As part of our digital-first ambitions, we will open up and become more fleet-of-foot as an organisation. We want to share our knowledge generously and discuss successes, work-in- progress and challenges openly.

We also want to hear from you and welcome your feedback on the strategy. You can share thoughts by email, to bfiscreenculture2033@bfi.org.uk.

  • You are reading this strategy within a new BFI blog, where we will begin to profile our work and where we can report on progress in real time.
  • We will be publishing an open roadmap, and provide updates when it changes.
  • We will provide the starting point and indicative timescales for initial delivery of the strategy, and how we will evaluate, within the next three to six months.

We will continue to publish progress through our Annual Review.