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We’re hiring! Join the BFI’s digital team.

Come and join BFI's digital team and help us get more screen culture, and more support for the sector, out to more people than ever before.

As you may have seen in our new ten year strategy, digital is at the heart of the BFI’s plans. 

In 2033 the BFI will be 100, and Screen Culture 2033 charts an ambitious course for where we want the BFI, and UK screen culture as a whole, to be by then. You can see a short video of me talking about it, here

We’ve said we want to grow our digital platforms, and to be digital-first in our DNA, and we really mean it. That starts with improving all our existing digital services to better meet users’ needs. Which starts with shifting from a project-by-project approach to one of continuous improvement of live services by empowered, multi-disciplinary product teams. Which starts with hiring a number of additional roles to join our existing, fabulous people and regroup into those teams. 

It’s a cliche to say it, but it’s honestly an incredibly exciting time to be joining the BFI and working on digital. You’ll be coming in at the start of something as we expand our team with these new hires. You’ll be working on inspiring stuff: consolidating and building on our great work so far, and helping us get more screen culture, and more support for the sector, out to more people than ever before. All while helping us shift our whole organisation and how we conceive and run our services to be more user-centric, evidence-led and iterative.

And yes, you’ll also get to see loads of great films. Although being an expert on film is not a requirement of these jobs.

The roles 

We’re hiring now for the following roles, all with a salary range of £46,362 to £54,762 per annum.

  1. Programme delivery manager
  2. 3 x Digital product managers across the following business areas.
    • Venue, programme and ticketing services
    • Heritage products
    • BFI intranet (built in WordPress using GovIntranet)
  3. UX/Interaction designer
  4. Content designer
  5. User researcher
  6. Software developers x 2
  7. Front end developer 

A bit about the team you’ll be joining

We already have a small but mature digital team, successfully delivering a range of exciting and innovative digital products and services. We work in small product-focused teams, using agile development techniques to build iteratively and incrementally with frequent feedback from users and stakeholders.

We’re big fans of the Government Digital Service design principles, service standard and service manual, and all the many mantras and stickers that go along with that. As one of the first hires into the Government Digital Service myself (as a product person and, later, director working on GOV.UK) I wouldn’t have it any other way – and was delighted (as you will be) to find the BFI digital team was already like-minded when I got here.

We believe (not in a cultish way) in internet-era ways of working, service design, microservices architecture and platform thinking. We’re heavily influenced by Team Topologies, Spotify Engineering Culture, Lean Enterprise, Good Services, Content Design practice and the Agile Comms Handbook. We are fans of the Team Onion and Gerry McGovern – and welcome you sharing your similar inspiration and passions. 

We’re a fairly diverse team already, but would love to be more so. We encourage applications from a wide range of lived experience and backgrounds, and are open to people working remotely. Our goal is to represent the society in which we work so we are actively challenging ourselves to ensure that Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is embedded into everything the BFI does and we embody the change we want to see.

You can read more about our culture in our Culture Handbook and Working Together principles. These guides were co-created by our people, to capture who we are and to provide us with a set of culture drivers and principles for working together at BFI.

A bit about the products you’ll be working on

Some roles (like product managers) will be allocated to a single product area such as the BFI Southbank and Imax ticketing platform or the intranet, while others will work across more than one product area such as the design system and content management. BFI Player sits outside of the team you will be joining but in the same directorate, and there will be opportunities to be involved in its evolution.

There is more detail in the job pack, and we’re up for informal chats if you want to find out more.

A bit about what we’re looking for

We’re looking for people who are passionate, curious and open minded. People who understand that digital means giving any person, wherever they live, whoever they are and whatever their needs are, frictionless access to the varied programmes and opportunities that BFI creates. 

How to apply

If this sounds like you and you’d like to help us improve the BFI’s digital products and services, connect BFI to a wide range of loyal and new audiences and deliver world class experiences, please visit our jobs and opportunities site where you will find details about the various roles, how to apply and closing dates.

We look forward to your application.